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Why Kind and Firm Parenting at Your School?


In the school community, relationships and learning, run more smoothly when people are treating each other with dignity and respect. This isn't easy - so how can schools be successful with this? 


Having an effective Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum, that is used in the school, is one way. Positive Discipline is one such SEL curriculum. It's also a trauma-informed practice, which helps the school community support those students dealing with additional challenges.


Kind and Firm Parenting uses Positive Discipline in the Classroom concepts and tools to empower teachers and other school staff to effectively lead the students to be respectful and contributing members of the school community. 




What Kind and Firm Parenting Offers Your School


We offer two service tracks to support the school community to learn and use Positive Discipline:


  1. Staff Professional Development

  2. Parent Training


Most of the services are workshops. These workshops use experiential activities to help participants to put themselves in the children's shoes for better understanding. Also, there will be ways to practice using Positive Discipline to build better relationships and cooperation.


The workshops are available for those working with the following school groups:

  • Preschool (Typically: ages birth-6) 

  • Elementary School (Typically: grades K-5)

  • Middle School (Typically: grades 6-8)

  • High School (Typically: grades 9-12)


The services include classroom/playground observations and solutions to bullying. By way of observations, your school would receive helpful feedback on areas where the use of Positive Discipline can help improve challenging situations. The solutions to bullying include bullying prevention and response to bullying.​ 


All services are onsite, unless noted otherwise as "public", with a required minimum of 8 participants.



Choose a school service track below, and click "LEARN MORE".

School Service Tracks

Staff Professional Development

Five categories:
  • Positive Discipline at School

  • Team-Building for Staff

  • Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way

  • Classroom/Playground Observations

  • Solutions to Bullying

Parent Training

Two categories:
  • Parenting with Positive Discipline

  • Positive Discipline Specialized Topics



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