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Enjoy a heartwarming, true cat story while you learn cat facts and tips to help the cat population: "A Beautiful Cat Story: What Happened After the First Meow" by Becky Divinski

Journey Into A Beautiful Cat Story

What was that noise? Was it a kitten? Come along on a journey, a true story, to discover what happened after that first meow. Some hints of what was to come in this beautiful cat story:

  • Unexpected moves

  • The dirty business of escaping

  • The attachment dilemma

  • Adventure all around

  • The search for a forever home

People can learn a lot on a journey. As a cat aficionado, I’ve spent quality time with cats over the years and found I still had a lot to learn.

Weaved into this beautiful cat story are cat facts and tips, some of which I learned during this journey. One such fact is about orange cats. Did you know that not all orange cats are male? About 20% of orange cats are female.

As you read this story, may your appreciation of cats continue to grow. This is my wish for you.

May you be as inspired by this story as I was by this experience to support our feline friends even more!

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