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  • BeckyD

Got Siblings and/or are Parents of Siblings? Read the Book, Siblings Without Rivalry.

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

The book, Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, has a wealth of information, as well as, wonderful cartoon illustrations of the points. The authors include many stories and examples from their parenting workshops, which really make the book easy to read and the information easy to comprehend. Applying the information is always the reader's responsibility, of course.


A few highlights from the book:

  • The Perils of Comparisons - how comparing siblings can damage the relationship between them and/or their relationship with you

  • Equal is Less - how important it is to give each child what they need as an individual versus giving every child in the family the same thing, to keep everything equal

  • Siblings in Roles - the importance of not putting children in fixed roles, by labeling them (EX: he's our "smart" child; she's our "artistic" child).

  • When the Kids Fight - helping children to learn how to deal with conflict in a respectful way

I invite you to comment on siblings, with or without, rivalry.

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